Thursday, 30 January 2014
Keep in the loop
My Stuff
cross stitch,
In the hoop Thursday
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Thumbing Our Noses
My boys were home yet again as school buses were not running Monday with the -44C temps.
To keep them a little on the busy side, they put together this greenhouse of sorts.
My oldest had brought a plant home from school last year and was very proud of the fact that it had grown to 14", it was just getting so "all stalk with a tuft of leaves" looking.
I suggested it was high time to try and gain control of the situation before the poor coleus met it's maker. So with the weather at it's worst (again) I dug out an old fish aquarium, cleaned it out, checked the lights (Yay! they work) and the boys proceeded to add action figures and the like.
CJ added some of his drawings along with Dan's as a background!
They have some orange seeds in here as well that are just starting to sprout!
So Old Man Winter,
and bring some green into our scene!
Tomorrow, some stitching pictures.
Friday, 24 January 2014
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet & greet bloggers from around the world!
Thank you Vicky for organizing this fun event.
"Greetings, my name is Carolyn and I'm so glad to meet you."
Blogging. Why do I do it? Why do you?
I find it's my lifeline to the outside world!
I live in a village on the Saskatchewan prairies of 175 people.
I am Mom to 2 , a step~mom to 1, Grams to 2, foster mom to 1, soulmate to 1 and
Mama to this sweetie, too!
I have met so many fabulous people online from all over the planet that
share my passion for quilting, as well as
cross stitch,
blackwork (this is new to me)
a revived interest in sewing clothes.
I've also taken a turn at both bear and doll making.
As well, I create jewellery.
I blog to connect. I blog to share. I blog to socialize. I blog to learn.
OH! Yes!
"There's another reason I blog..."to have GIVEAWAYS!"
Since I am delving back into jewellery making,
I thought this would be appropriate!
Drop earrings with unusual stones, Poseidon's Tribute is a gorgeous stone cut in a
cathedral shape and in shades of gold and blues.
Coupled with lovely crystal matte beads these earrings are so pretty.
The wire the beads and stones are threaded on and the
secure lever back ear wires are gold plate and gold tone respectively.
1 1 /2" in length
To enter my giveaway :
(1) simply tell me what's your passion? (keep it clean) ;)
For a second chance:
(2) become a follower, if you'd like
**you must answer the question to qualify**
*no reply* and *anonymous* comments will not be accepted
Please make certain that you are neither to be entered.
I must have a way to contact you if you are the winner,
either through your blog email or leave your email address in your comment.
To avoid spammers type it as such:
'janedoe (at) gmail (dot) com'
Draw date will be February 15th, 2014.
Click Vicky's link above and meet a bevy of amazingly talented folks!
Thursday, 23 January 2014
a tap, tap, tapping.
This little fellow was quite busy, just hanging upside down!
I believe it's a Hairy Woodpecker.
There appears to be a family of them around our house.
What a great shock of red and the mask lends some mystery to his task.
Pop back tomorrow evening for the start of
"Grow Your Blog" with GIVEAWAY!
Until then,
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Monday, 20 January 2014
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Something Old to Me Is New Again
I'd like to share a little bit of me with you, if that's acceptable?
When I was 16, I quite school. Not the best move on my part I admit.
However, as it happened, it allowed me to apprentice with my Dad and work along side
both of my parents for a number of cherished years.
My Dad is a goldsmith and he offered to apprentice me when the reality
of my scholastic decision came full circle, and believe me, that didn't take long!
And so began my journey. I watched, he taught. That's how he was trained in Germany.
My Mom observed this for a couple of weeks and finally had to speak up.
"The best way to learn, is to let her get her hands dirty!"
Dad agreed, and I rarely sat on the sidelines after that.
I love different.
I love working with my hands.
I love metal and stones.
I love the feel of the tools in my hands.
I enjoy the questioning look on people's faces when they asked what I did as a job,
and how the look would change from quizzical to amazed when I explained just what I did.
I was passionate about what I was doing.
We worked and laughed together in our little shop for 16 years.
The decision to close the shop was a hard one, economics dictated.
My parents retired and pulled up stakes. They headed to Arizona for their first winter.
I continued on but in my home, and my customers followed me.
New customers contacted me, I was a busy gal. I moved into my parent's home
and people still came. Things were good, heck things were great!
Then my Mom became ill and died 50 days after they had arrived in Arizona.
Everything came to a stand still in my life. I couldn't move.
I had lost my best friend.
My Dad came and lived with us until the next spring, then he moved east to be close to my brother.
After much deliberation, I decided that I needed to be with my family
more than the partner I had at the time.
I went east as well and during the eight months I was there, began to breathe again.
A coworker of my SIL asked about a customized broach.
Then a couple wanted new wedding rings crafted just for them.
Before I knew it I was setting up shop once again in my Dad's storage room,
and the work just kept on coming.
I moved back out west when my Dad decided he wasn't cut out for any more eastern winters
and my brother accepted a transfer west as well.
I got married.
I stopped goldsmithing.
I got divorced.
I met Phil.
I had two strapping boys.
However, something has been nagging at me lately.
I had an epiphany!
I pulled out some of my tools my Dad had given me.
I started to play and it felt good.
Hell, it felt great!!
So, I am going to transform my space upstairs for not only sewing but for
my smithing so I can make more of this
and this
I'm really looking forward to setting all the wheels in motion.
I have missed this feeling and I have missed this connection to my past.
Besides, my youngest is showing an interest. Maybe the tradition will carry on.
(he will be staying in school though)
My Stuff
chain maille,
Monday, 13 January 2014
"GROW YOUR BLOG" Coming Soon
Vicky of 2 Bags Full is hosting a BLOG PARTY!
This is an opportunity to experience new blogs, new faces and new ideas, as well,
it's an opportunity to add to your followers and begin following blogs that you never knew were out there!
If you'd like to join in just click the link and it will whisk you over to get all the skinny from Vicky, you have until January 15th to sign up.
BLOG PARTY starts January 24th.

Saturday, 11 January 2014
Hexies Do I or Don't I?
I guess these hexies would count as a UFO, I've had them for at least 2 years now.
I took them when we went camping 2 summers ago and worked on them, then they sat,
until late last year, when I started sewing them together in a solid piece thinking pillow.
Since there's 90 of them, I didn't think that the end result would be very large or unique.
I have 45 stitched together and honestly they're not doing a thing for me.
I think I'll take them apart and stitch them together as they are in the top picture.
I like it against a solid background, not the tablecloth it's sitting on right now,
but a white background instead.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
This is what else my mind's eye saw for this piece.
I'm very happy with how it turned out :D
Yes, it's all freehand blackwork.
I am Determined to
I'm seeing that some bloggers are choosing a word
to live by through 2014 or at the very least to keep them focussed.
After toying with and trying on different words, I have finalized my choice to be
Determined to start and finish at least one quilt for our bed that fits properly and
3 Minecraft quilts for my boys.
Determined to get on with the task of home renos and push past the stagnation that has befallen me.
Determined to find time to meditate and breathe.
Determined to blog more and share more.
Yep! This year, 2014, I AM DETERMINED!
My Stuff
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
My Mind's Eye
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
listening to the boys are so delightful.
And because I have no place to go,
let me sew, let me sew, let me sew!
Truth is, I have no pattern or chart for either of these pieces.
I just started stitching an image that was in my mind's eye and this is the result.
Sometimes it all comes together and it is good!
My Stuff
cross stitch,
hand stitching,
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