I've been having some fun stitching up pj pants and shorts for the boys and myself
this past week.
My youngest wasn't around when I took the pics,
these are full length pants made from Goosebumps fabric I happened upon at Value Village.
All sewn from NEW LOOK 6441 (XS-XL) all in one envelope,
I love it.
My pjs are sewn from some of the 9 yards I picked a few weeks ago at a garage sale.
Then next week's forecast came up on the computer and it ain't pretty folks.
30C + with extremely high humidity. Yuck!!
I can't stand the heat as it is, so this was not good news,
however it is a great reason to whip up a skirt.
Garage sale fabric too!
I haven't worn a skirt in ages, at least 15 years!
and since I didn't have a tank (going to the city next week, guess what I'm picking up)
and I couldn't find my elastic thread,
I improvised, cause we can do that!
I just made a casing and ran 2 ~ 3/8" elastics instead of the wide (need to add that to my list).
The sash covers the top band for now anyways.
I do believe I'm getting hooked on stitching up skirts and the Mr. approves.
Yay! Win/ Win :)
There are lots of easy to sew, no pattern needed skirts out there.
Here's another cute skirt and blog over at
If you like vintage you're going to love this .