Monday, 8 February 2016

My First Conquest of 2016

I finally conquered my silly fear of  C.U.R.V.E.S.!!!
Having been away from my sewing machine for a while I decided, as a reintroduction, to try something new to me.  The dreaded curve.
It all started because I was re~reading Clare O'Donohue's, The Drunkard's Path. Every time I picked up the book that design was there, mocking me. I jumped online to see just how to construct a Drunkard's Path and found that there are many ways to lay out the blocks! The options are endless.
Since this was a first attempt, keeping the projects on the small side might be prudent idea. Foxy and Carli (who played camera shy today) thought it was a good plan too, they both received a new flannel bed cushion and I no longer fear curves!

Until next time ~


  1. You GO girlfriend! Looking great! Purdy puppy too!

  2. LOL Sounds funny saying I like your curves haha. Great job getting over your fear though. Foxy is adorable!!


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